The Chong Meridian; coming back home to ourselves
Our Chong meridian is our blueprint, it is the foundation of our individuation as a soul in a body. The Chong meridian begins in the womb for women and in the prostate for men, this lower dan tian area where the Chong begins represents an area of creative and sexual potential where new life and creative energy can be birthed into existence.
The Chong meridian is our heart kidney connection, it is how our spirit which is represented in the fire element of our own unique sovereign heart connects to our jing/essence in this physical body and relates to our DNA. We are each given a specific mandate or Ming to fulfill in our lifetime, and the heart contains our spirit while the kidneys represent our material basis, and when these two elements of water and fire come together this creates an alchemical process in which we are fulfilling our destiny and are expressing our true creaturely character out into the world.
The Chong meridian functions to both nourish and move blood, and offers us the reflection “how do I love myself?” and from this self-love “how do I shine the light of my heart and combine that with the wisdom of my jing to actively fulfill my destiny?” Our blood is comprised of our consciousness, our emotions, thoughts and memories. Our blood has the ability to support our essence, which is the way in which our blood which is represented in postnatal energetics (epigenetics, lifestyle, choices) can affect our prenatal energetics (kidneys, Jing, DNA, ancestry). To build more blood is to build more of who we really are, and this is an act of self-love. When we go through trauma, the blood stagnates, we get stuck in emotional cycles that prevents us from accessing our true nature, and when trauma becomes too great, our life is no longer governed by our true self (heart) and we are now being led by our traumas (pericardium). The goal is to be led by our heart and go through life led by our spirit rather than our traumas.
The opening point on the Chong meridian is Spleen 4, the point is named “Grandfather Grandson,” a homage to the idea that the Chong meridian relates back to our ancestry. The coupled point to the Chong meridian is Pericardium 6, the Luo point of the pericardium, a point to open the chest and as a Luo point it helps us to clear out the traumas that have closed our heart and kept us from expressing our true Self. The coupled point Pericardium 6, Nei Guan, which translates to “Inner Gate,” is an invitation to let go of our traumas and anything that has kept us asleep to our own magic. This point allows us to open our hearts to know our true nature and love ourselves just as we are. Accessing the Chong meridian is accessing our truest nature and rooting our physical body to our spirit.
The Chong meridian is our blueprint that connects our fate (kidneys, essence) to our choice (heart, spirit), thus our lifetime is an unfolding of our personal evolution through various experiences that our soul has magnetized to us in order to grow. The eight extraordinary meridians are, “vessels of evolution” (Jeffery Yuen), this is because the eight extraordinary vessels provide us the wisdom to change our life and affect the course of our destiny. By illuminating the way in which we hold power within our choice of how we live, think, act, etc. this illuminates the link between how epigenetics and lifestyle can alter our genetic expression and thus change the way that our life plays out. It is my belief that we are creators of our own life’s story, and while some big events in our lives are inevitable in order to provide us various experiences to heal, we are given choice at each moment in regard to how we respond to these events. Our choice gives us our power back. Choice is choosing to heal trauma that may be inter-generational so that we can express our spirit in form to the best of our ability, and to shine our own light is to love and trust ourselves enough to be led by our higher Self or Shen. Loving ourselves is infusing our soul into each cell in our body and embodying our spirit fully.